FOODS TO AVOID IN CORONA In December 2019, there was a cluster of Pneumonia cases in China. An investigation has shown that it was a virus which later known by the Coronavirus. Today all over the world there is an increasing number of cases of corona without the development of a vaccine. This increase in the number of cases causes loss of economic and social life . As there is no specific investigation upon the avoidable food how novel Coronavirus or any other virus stays to food. Many studies have shown that coronavirus has come from bat soup, which is one the traditional drink of Wuhan in China. Coronavirus is the large group of a virus which has caused various disease like Respiratory and Gastrointestinal symptoms. Respiratory disease can range from Common cold to Pneumonia generally these symptoms are mild, some cause savior diseases like SARS-cov(Seviour Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus) which was first identified in China 2003 and MERS-cov (Middle East Res...