VITAMIN AND BODY HELLO friends from HEALTH TECH; here we came with the new information which is now a day created a great issue for all age populations. VITAMIN as the name is familiar with all of the one who is dedicatedly involving in maintaining physic. Not only to them, as we all grow in the environment when any of the problems leading to our health results in last as vitamin deficiency. Hey! What did I say? Vitamin deficiency! Is this so necessary for anyone? and what it's relation to a human? all these questions are common to everyone. HEALTH TECH is here to solve all such problems and more regarding the cause. Let's hit the information. VITAMINS The word Vitamin has come from the Latin word "vita" means "life". It is composed of two words; vital plus amine means compounds required for normal growth of the body and maintenance of several body functions. Vitamins are organic molecules that are an essential part of a regular diet. WHERE DO WE GET?...