10 BENEFITS OF VITAMIN C Today is the world of supplements, organic nutrition is not that helpful for better health. Things all along are getting more unpure. So, where to get good health and benefits to get more strong immune. For all these, vitamin c is one of the most recommended supplements by the physicians and any other health nutritionist. water-soluble vitamin. vitamin c is useful in various health hack and certain other things to like getting more glowing skin, strong gum n other. We are discussing all those hacks by which vitamin c is getting ready for all time supplement to be in your drawer. A recommended range of having vitamin c in man is 90 mg/daily and for a female is 85mg/daily. If more then that is being consumed then it gets excreted in the urine. vitamin c is available in various forms as a skin serum, in hair oil, as capsule and tablet, excess deficiency leads to hospitalization and injection preparations are also there. Here are...