How to bolster your Immune System to protect COVID-19 Corona Virus.


A very warm welcome to everyone for coming at health tech, today we come with the great
the topic of how to make your body virus protected.

As we are all sharing, communicating, and trying to help one another understand the impact of COVID-19 on our individual and collective health. at this difficult time, it is very important for everyone to be safe and protected.

so, here comes how do we get protected from viruses, these days corona is leading virus all across the globe. Researchers across the world are engaged in working on vaccines for treatment.

In all these, what if we make our body virus protected so that virus won't affect us, the chief way is to make IMMUNE STRONGER. So, here we discuss what is immune and its relation to the human body with regards to viruses and ways to boost immunity.


Our body cells are bathed in the fluid known as interstitial (tissue) fluid, which leaks constantly out of the bloodstream through the permeable walls of blood capillaries. It is therefore very similar in composition to blood plasma and constituted organs to this fluid collectively known as the lymphatic system.

The lymphatic organs are concerned with the production and maturation of lymphocytes, the white blood cells responsible for immunity.


Lymphocytes (immune building cells) originate from stem cells (cells having the ability to regenerate) in the red bone marrow. Those that enter the thymus (part of the human body) develop into activated T lymphocytes (antibodies). Antibodies that can distinguish self tissue from foreign tissue, and also provides each antibody with the ability to react to only one specific foreign substance from the millions it will encounter. This is how the immune system works.

So, the big affair regarding immunity, different people have different ways of how immune works. 

As now, some of you are thinking long-term and want to know what you can do to fortify your immune system. Others want to know what can be done right now to protect your natural defenses.


HEALTH TECH went through the hard research on pharmaceutical, Neutraceutical, Clinical data, Neutrabotanical .... then provide you the information about boosting your immune system.

Here is the formula, for this but wait for anything could be beneficial to the limit. giving formula doesn't mean to get an immunity which gets your body unwanted results. So, to better understand the process of the immune system and the formula is for short- and long-term process (emphasize soothing, boosting wellbeing) for developing immune (act as a preservative)

So, after understanding what all this is about and for what purpose; then lets hit for the formula for boosting the immune system.

Here, first, we go with the natural formulas for better immune then after this go for pharmaceutical and Neutraceutical things for boosting immune. As immunity is the chief topic so you will be getting information about NATURAL FORMULA(Neutraceutical) FOR BOOSTING IMMUNE SYSTEM.

And then a short review on which product has the best quality natural products available in the market. To be needed for any to boost the immune.

Ayurveda comes with ample solutions to hit your immune by easy and simple means.

⦁ SHATAVARI (Asparagus rasemosus) 

From ancient times, Shatavari is known as the women's ambrosia for reproductive health, for boosting the immune system plant root powder has been taken as a long-term effect and beneficial herb which makes body system stronger. According to the report of 2004 studies are being conducted on the animals and giving them the drug root powder, which results in an increased number of antibodies that can fight against a cough in comparison to untreated animals. The treated animals get improved faster and with more health benefits.

⦁ ASHWAGANDHA (Withania somnifera) 

It is the small woody plant having the yellow flower, it is the traditional Chinese herb which is being used for improving the health, longevity, and enhance the immune, improve memory. Drug root is available in different forms in syrup, powder, capsules. All are equally beneficial you can choose according to your fit. 



Delicious nutritive jam which is being used in Ayurveda for decades, rejuvenates all tissues in the body, supports overall strength and energy, promotes muscle mass supporting a healthy immune response, and youthfulness Supports healthy function of the heart and respiratory systems* Tonifies the reproductive system. this is one of the best health-boosting tonics that can be consumed by any generation.

⦁ EDIBLE MUSHROOM (Agaricus bisporus) 

It is an effective fungus that supports the body and builds immune. basically, the mushroom is a fungus that is being grown as a fruit. Edibility means that the fruit which is less poisonous and edible to human with its taste and aroma. mushroom contains many active ingredients that are being useful for the generations for better immune.

⦁ GARLIC (Allium sativum) 

Since ancient, garlic is used as a flavoring agent in cooking and as a part of medicines. One of the most beneficial drug-containing diallyl sulfide which is 100 times more effective antibiotic than any other pharmaceutical antibiotics. Hence proven in research that garlic has the ability to control the disease-causing bacteria. 


Gut hosts 70% of your immune system. But the gut is where pathogens, germs, and bacteria go when swallowed. The digestive lining serves as a barrier that prevents nasty bugs from escaping before stomach acid can stop them in their tracks. And the small intestine is lined with mucus that contains antiviral and antibacterial substances. In fact, a too-thin mucus lining leaves you vulnerable as bacteria and viruses can escape into your bloodstream and spread. Digestive enzymes as an immune system booster that can help you withstand a viral or bacterial attack. 


Above everything, your health is our priority information provided is from my own knowledge and research kindly follow these to make healthy and fit India or the world. 

More to come from HEALTH TECH and soon we will be discussing the details about self and improvement of self, till then stay tuned with us friends and don not forget to check more upon health tech. 

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