

10 BENEFITS OF VITAMIN C Today is the world of supplements, organic nutrition is not that helpful for better health.  Things all along are getting more unpure.  So, where to get good health and benefits to get more strong immune.   For all these, vitamin c is one of the most recommended supplements by the physicians and any other health nutritionist.  water-soluble vitamin. vitamin c is useful in various health hack and certain other things to like getting more glowing skin, strong gum n other. We are discussing all those hacks by which vitamin c is getting ready for all time supplement to be in your drawer. A recommended range of having vitamin c in man is 90 mg/daily and for a female is 85mg/daily. If more then that is being consumed then it gets excreted in the urine.  vitamin c is available in various forms as a skin serum, in hair oil, as capsule and tablet, excess deficiency leads to hospitalization and injection preparations are also there.  Here are benefits for vitamin c 1. SU


SCURVY AND IT'S ANTIDOT In today's world, people are being very much busy with their life schedules and work as it is very much necessary also to run any family or achieve a better life.  But despite all these, maintenance of health is an important factor, only good health can leads to a better future.  Have you ever being indulged with and disease or disorder? How do you feel at that time? Do you want to go to work when you feel uncomfortable? Obviously, the answer will be no, who wanna go to work if the body is not supportive.  These are all the factors that lead to work loss and money loss, so why waste of all these when our daily routine and good food habits can lead us to get better health. The scurvy disease also is known as Barlow's disease. Scurvy is the condition that occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin C. one of the oldest known nutritional disorders of mankind which results in various problems. HISTORY IN DISCOVERY OF VITAMIN C Those who are sitting on the table


  VITAMIN AND BODY HELLO friends from HEALTH TECH; here we came with the new information which is now a day created a great issue for all age populations. VITAMIN as the name is familiar with all of the one who is dedicatedly involving in maintaining physic.  Not only to them, as we all grow in the environment when any of the problems leading to our health results in last as vitamin deficiency. Hey! What did I say? Vitamin deficiency! Is this so necessary for anyone? and what it's relation to a human? all these questions are common to everyone.  HEALTH TECH is here to solve all such problems and more regarding the cause. Let's hit the information.   VITAMINS  The word Vitamin has come from the Latin word "vita" means "life". It is composed of two words; vital plus amine means compounds required for normal growth of the body and maintenance of several body functions. Vitamins are organic molecules that are an essential part of a regular diet. WHERE DO WE GET?


COUPLES WITH CORONA The Corona Virus lockdown has made to face some harsh realities of life.  Besides making to accept some ugly truths of life, this lockdown period of isolation has also made a certain outlook towards life and relationship.  While some couples might be struggling to make their relationship work, others might be cherishing the time they get to spend with each other.  In case you are wondering how lockdown has affected couples or how couples are dealing with this period of self-isolation.  According to a conversation with some couples, the lockdown has created wonders for their relationship. They said lockdown is proving to be an extended honeymoon. Meanwhile, some couples said their relationship is getting affected in a very negative way. As being in a long-distance relationship is not that easy.  He said his relationship was started recently like two months back. But suddenly corona pandemic started and due to his work( he is a doctor) and other professional reasons,


FOODS TO AVOID IN CORONA In December 2019, there was a cluster of Pneumonia cases in China. An investigation has shown that it was a virus which later known by the Coronavirus.  Today all over the world there is an increasing number of cases of corona without the development of a vaccine. This increase in the number of cases causes loss of economic and social life . As there is no specific investigation upon the avoidable food how novel Coronavirus or any other virus stays to food. Many studies have shown that coronavirus has come from bat soup, which is one the traditional drink of Wuhan in China.  Coronavirus is the large group of a virus which has caused various disease like Respiratory and Gastrointestinal symptoms.  Respiratory disease can range from Common cold to Pneumonia generally these symptoms are mild, some cause savior diseases like SARS-cov(Seviour Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus) which was first identified in China 2003 and MERS-cov (Middle East Respiratory Syndr

What if corona vaccine never develop?

CORONA VIRUS MEDICINE Today truth of coronavirus is not hidden, everyone is very well known by this time.  From where did corona come? What are the measures to be taken to prevent corona? Why lockdown has been done? and How useful will be this lockdown?  Dear friends, no medicine of coronavirus has been made yet, those who have been cured by covid19 are having strong immunity. In the same way, their immunity has been cured by the strength of the body to fight the disease.    A lot of researchers and scientists all over the globe believe that this disease occurs once. The one who had the immunity will survive and the one who is not having good immunity will not survive.   This means that the immunity of our body is a medicine of corona. For this one should get all curiosity to get stronger immune and avoid things which breakthrough your immune. If you want to kill this epidemic, then you need to learn a lot about what increases immunity and things. to check how to increase immunity go t


FIGHT from CORONA with CHYAWANPRASH                               Coronavirus, a global pandemic that has created more than 60 countries affected by its effect and the high population is suffering from a virus. Coronavirus was identified in CHINA, Wuhan which has till now no known vaccine for the virus, all the scientist and researchers are working all day and night around the globe to get rid of this pandemic. Till now, the only way to get is to prevent yourself from incoming contact with viruses; various measures have been taken for prevention. • STAY home.  • KEEP a safe distance. • WASH hands often. • COVER your cough. • SICK?  call the helpline.   Protect yourself and others near you, and take an appropriate precaution by knowing all facts about covid19.  Apart from this, building immunity is important, Chyawanprash has been clinically tested for better immunity, it gives 2X immunity enriched with vitamin C (amla). 2 tablespoons a day. Chyawanprash consists of 53 vital nutrients